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  • 12.820 BTC
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  • 369,231
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Ava Digital Finance(AVA) is unique in providing diversified digital asset investments powered by crypto-economists, developers, and algorithmic traders. We bring together all the necessary components and services together. Never before has cryptocurrency investors been able to enjoy the benefits of security, convenience, and performance under one roof.
Yes. Ava Digital Finance is a registered private limited company in DUBLIN IRELAND.
Anyone with access to an internet connection and a computer, as well as an iOS or Android device can access and use our platform.
All you need to do is complete the sign-up process and fund your account. Once this is done, you can begin to invest.
Funding is available in USDT, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, BNB and Dogecoin. Investors can choose between the listed cyptocurrencies for depositing funds.
A. In order to place a withdrawal request, please follow these steps: Click on the Withdraw Funds tab in the left-hand menu Enter the amount to withdraw (in €) Complete the electronic withdrawal form as required Click “Submit” Please be advised that funds can only be withdrawn from your available balance, so before you make a withdrawal request, you should ensure that you have the amount available in your balance.
You can withraw anytime from your earnings.

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