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Investment Product

Each investment product is carefully crafted by our experts. Whether it's your risk profile, social values, or beliefs, you should be able to find one to match your investment needs and preferences.


      • €5,000 minimum
      • 40% Monthly ROI
      • Term: Monthly
      Suitable for Private investors and entrepreneurs Provides clients an opportunity to profit from the rapidly evolving DeFi Space. Using machine learning tools, the best liquidity pools are sourced to maximize yields.


      Trade Smart with AI

      • €50,000 minimum
      • 85%-100% Monthly ROI
      • Term: 60 days
      • Compounding
      • Developed and Managed by AVA Trading Professionals
      • Multiple Quantitative Trading Strategies
      • Suitable for Family offices, wealth managers and wealthy individuals
      Primarily invests in Digital Asset with low frequency trading strategies that execute algorithmically and automatically.


      • Automated investment management.
      • €250,000 minimum
      • 120%-165% Monthly ROI
      • Term: 90 days
      • Compounding
      Suitable for Private investors and entrepreneurs Work with a dedicated Financial Consultant on building a portfolio managed by third-party portfolio managers.

      Custom portfolio of investment-grade bonds
      • €15,000 minimum
      • 3.5% Daily Profit Return
      • Term: 1 Year
      • Suitable for individuals and institutional investors particularly interested in long term investments
      Work with a dedicated Financial Consultant on building a portfolio managed by third-party portfolio managers.

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