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Providing a trusted familiar access point to Digital Currencies.

ADF understands the importance of personal information of every client. Cooperating with ADF you can be sure in privacy of your personal information and in its protection by our staff. Our employees protect all collected data from any third party. We use a variety of technologies to reduce the risk of leaks of clients' personal data. Personal information includes such items as:

  • Name of the Client.
  • Locations.
  • Personal account of electronic currency.
  • Login, email and password.
ADF collects your personal information only with your permission and confidence in the security of your personal information in our company. Terms & Conditions of our company explain how your information is collected and used. Information that is automatically collected when you visiting our website:
  • Your IP address.
  • Your Internet Provider.
  • Your location and country of residence.
  • Your browser and type of operating system.
This types of information are also the part of the personal information. We collect and save data only in our company on our own data storage without any third party. Personal information is stored in accordance with the rules of storage and disposal. Customer information, whether public or private, will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to any other company for any reason whatsoever, without the consent of the customer, other than for the express purpose of delivering the purchased product or service requested by the customer. For your safety and protection, your payment account is fully encrypted and secured Blockchain technologies. The email address you provide for order processing, will only be used to send you information and updates pertaining to your order. If you have any questions about collection or storage of personal data on contact us via email:

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We are one of the leading platforms in the United States offering binary options, Forex and spreads. Regulated by the CFTC and based in New York. It is also regulated by the IFSC of Belize, as well as the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission..

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A talented team of Cryptocurrency experts based in London

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